Monday, 6 June 2016

Britain: Where non-Muslim honesty is worse than Muslim rape

I haven't seen too much of the response to Nigel Farage's recent remarks to the effect that remaining in the EU could lead to mass sex attacks by immigrant men like those seen Cologne and elsewhere in Germany in recent months. But no matter, since I've read of Shami Chakbrabarti's response, and I'm confident that it's a good representation of the party line among all the other footsoldiers of spineless virtue-signalling in politics, the media, and commentariat with regard to Farage's honesty.

To re-cap, here's what Farage actually said:

"The nuclear bomb this time would be about Cologne", referring, of course, to the wave of organised sexual assaults, rapes, and robberies carried out by mostly North African immigrants targeting hundreds of German women in Cologne on New Year's Eve last year. Attacks, which, it's worth remembering, were at first buried by law enforcement, mainstream media, and politicians, and would have remained so but for social media, and right-wing media platforms like Breitbart.

Farage added: "There are some very big cultural issues", and when asked if similar mass sex attacks could occur in the UK, he replied, "It depends if they get EU passports. It depends if we vote for Brexit or not. It is an issue."

According to Chakrabarti, Farage's comments "can only be designed to stir up disharmony, disunity, possibly even racial hatred".

Weird. Called me old fashioned but I reckon acts of mass rape, sexual assault, and torture of European women by foreigners - almost always Muslims, by the way - are liable to "stir up disharmony, disunity and racial hatred" more so than some politician daring to make reference to them having actually happened after the fact.

In fact, I reckon said acts of mass rape, sexual assault, and torture against European women by almost entirely Muslim foreigners are in fact evidence of racial and religious hatred on the part of the Muslim influx.

Oh, and top of that, I reckon we ought to be very cautious as to how much "unity" or "harmony" we can ever expect to achieve with the ongoing influx of large numbers of people raised in a religion which tells its followers that all non-believers are filthy, immoral, deceitful, and essentially a living, breathing "fuck you" to (their) God, that to adopt their ways or to be friends with them is forbidden, and that, as Muslims, their most important duty and highest possible cause in life is to conquer and subjugate the non-believers and impose the all-encompassing legal, social, and political blueprint of their totalitarian religion over all peoples everywhere, by demographic, political, and military means. That's one of the many lessons we should have learned by now, several decades into Western Europe's great left-wing experiment with Muslim mass immigration.

But there you go. I'm just a right-wing Islamophobe, so I would say all that.

Chakrabarti, speaking on LBC radio, continued:

"It's a classic racist trope, used by racists all over the world, to suggest that women are at risk from marauding hoards of people from another religion or race."

Erm, well. Here's the thing Shami: It's already been proven true, and continues to be proven true all over Britain, and all over Western Europe. Wherever one looks across Western Europe, one will see that Muslim men, almost regardless of their ethnic or racial origin, are far more likely to commit sex crimes than the indigenous peoples.

It also, of course, directly explains the spate of acts of mass sexual assault seen in Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve, the recent sexual assaults at a music festival in Darmstadt, in connection with which Pakistani asylum seekers were arrested, and the endless reports of acts of rape in public leisure facilities and such like across the country, and in others affected by the migrant influxOf course, it also explains the epidemic of grooming, sexual abuse, and torture of non-Muslim girls (mainly white for the obvious that they're the majority, but also Sikh and Hindu girls quite often) by predominantly Pakistani and Kashmiri Muslim men in towns and cities all across the UK. Note here that in many cases, the perpetrators will be the sons or grandsons of the people who actually came here from those places, living as they usually do in their own self-established Muslim enclaves.

Below is a list, up to date as of April this year, of towns and cities in which Muslim men have been convicted of grooming offences against non-Muslim children. Rotherham is merely the most high profile case to date, and given the police and authorities' well-documented aversion to investigating or prosecuting the crimes of Muslims, I'd confidently bet my life and yours on this list being, at absolute most, the tip of the iceberg. Where there are Pakistani/Kashmiri Muslims in Britain, there is sexual abuse and torture of non-Muslim children:

So tell us, Shami: is it still a "racist trope" if it demonstrably true?

Shami went on:

"It's been used throughout history and I never thought that this particular Brexit debate would reach this particular depth." 

And that, folks, is where we are. Apparently, anything even vaguely resembling honesty about the fact that more Muslims equals more sex crime is a new "depth" of depravity. Remember, vastly disproportionate levels of grooming, rape, sexual assault, and torture of non-Muslim girls and women by Muslim men is not the problem. The problem is talking about the fact that it happens.

That's how far we are from properly addressing the Islam problem in our countries.


  1. Your essay would be more useful to people if you took a few moments to include links to source and reference material.

    1. Yea, wanted to get it published quickly. Links to sources are now included.
